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Campbell Law LLC

Why You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney


An arrest is no joke. Neither is being charged with a criminal or traffic offense. If any of these circumstances apply to you, you should hire a Columbus criminal defense attorney. Here are five reasons why:

  1. You need someone who will actually listen to you.

It's a harsh reality that following any arrest, most people will consider you to be the wrongdoer, even before you open your mouth. And that isn't fair. After all, our legal system is founded upon the principle of "innocent until proven guilty." But it is just reality that police, prosecutors, judges, and people in your community, will likely assume that you are guilty-just because you've been arrested.

Hiring your own lawyer ensures you can rely on one person to take your side. Your attorney's role is to defend you. It's your defense attorney's role to fight the sort of assumptions that make pleading your case seem like a losing battle. And, it's your attorney's role to speak out against the negative opinions of people who may only know you only as someone who has been charged with a crime.

  1. You need a legal advocate who is dedicated to protecting your rights.

Another sad but true fact: Many people facing arrest, indictment, and convictions, just shouldn't be. There are several reasons why this is true. For example, cars can be improperly stopped; warrants can be improperly obtained and executed. Sobriety tests can be poorly conducted. Criminal investigations can be founded on inadmissible evidence. And, lingering prejudices and biases play a part as well.

A skilled and knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer will seek to prevent the system from operating against you. You cannot always count on an overworked public defender to provide the time and attention required to deeply examine every aspect of your case.

  1. You need an attorney in your corner who knows the law.

Successfully challenging weak evidence, wrongful incarcerations, and unfounded criminal charges requires possessing extensive knowledge of the legal code, police practice, court procedure, and decisions from previous cases.

Before devoting herself to representing criminal defendants, April Campbell of Campbell Law was a prosecutor. That experience benefits you, because it means that Campbell Law know's how to spot mistakes: whether it be law enforcement errors, evidence that discredits the prosecutor's case; or legal precedent that is not properly followed.

  1. You need a champion who can tell your story clearly and compellingly.

At all stages of prosecution, you need an attorney to champion your position. You need a defense attorney who will counsel you during interrogations, conduct necessary and effective evidentiary hearings in your case, and advocate for you during pretrial negotiations over possible plea deals. You need an attorney who speaks the court's language to officers, prosecutors, and judges. And, you also need an attorney who will make sure you understand what is happening at all times.

Your lawyer's advice can protect you against unintentional self-incrimination and steer you toward the best outcomes.

Most importantly, your Columbus defense lawyer will make sure that all the evidence that supports your innocence or points toward leniency is presented and fully considered. This makes hiring a private defense attorney particularly important. Having an attorney who will conduct an independent investigation-apart from the work done by the police and prosecutors, can be crucial.

  1. You need an ally devoted to ensuring you do not receive unfair and unjust penalties.

No honest attorney will guarantee you will avoid a conviction. What you can count on your criminal defender to do is make every effort to save you from an undeserved punishment and an overly harsh sentence.

To schedule a free consultation with a criminal lawyer in Columbus, OH, contact Campbell Law today.

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