Protecting College Students Facing Various Criminal Charges

When a college student is facing the accusation of criminal activity, there is much more than just time behind bars at stake. They could be facing repercussions that can reverberate across various areas of their lives for years to come. At Campbell Law LLC, we help both Ohio college students and concerned parents understand how to fight back and defend their futures against the impact of criminal charges or a conviction.

Our lawyer April Campbell believes that a mistake should not limit the potential of your child's future. We provide highly effective defense counsel that is tailored to your individual situation, providing personal service and aggressive representation. If your child is facing a criminal charge or you are wondering how to confront the charges you are facing, we can act as your experienced legal ally throughout the entire process.

Effective Defense Strategies For College Students

When convicted of a crime, a college student may find that it can lead to loss of scholarships, expulsion from school and removal from certain programs. In turn, this can lead to missed career opportunities and a criminal record that can follow you for years to come. Our Dublin defense lawyer knows how to fight for your future when facing charges related to any of the following:

  • Drunk driving
  • Underage drinking or possession of alcohol
  • Drug charges or possession of marijuana
  • Assault or violent crimes
  • Vandalism

Starting with a complete evaluation of your case, our lawyer will outline the most effective and appropriate approach for your defense. She will construct a plan based on your goals, needs and other factors unique to your situation. When there is this much at stake, you deserve a defense attorney who will take your case seriously and work to preserve the bright future your child could have.

Do Not Wait To Get Help

It is beneficial to seek help as soon as you learn there could be charges against you or an investigation into your activities. We will start working on your behalf as soon as you call. Reach out here, or call 614-356-8515 to discuss your case with an experienced defense attorney.